Installing Substly's extension in your browser

This article contains a step-by-step guide that explains how to install Substly's browser extension.

Content in this article

What does the browser extension do?

How to install the extension in your Google Chrome browser

What happens after I have installed the browser extension?


What does the browser extension do?

Insights from Substly's browser extension allow your company's management team to understand better how to optimize your digital work environment.

Hopefully, this will lead to them addressing things that frustrate you about the applications and digital tools you have access to and make it easier for you to excel at what you do.

The extension tracks URLs in our Vendor Database; for example, if you use Miro, Slack, or Figma via your browser, that information gets sent to Substly.

No data is sent from the extension to Substly unless there is a match with a vendor in our database. The extension will not track if you read your online newspaper or access any other online information or website.

How to install the extension in your browser

The step-by-step guide below assumes you have received an email from Substly requesting you to install the browser extension.

If you have received the information in another way (e.g., through Slack, Teams, or a post on your intranet), skip the first step.

  1. In the email you received, click on Install Substly Extension.
  2. Select the browser you use
  3. Install the extension from the web store you have been directed to.
  4. A new tab opens where you must fill out your work email address (the same address as you got the email sent to) opens up. Add your email address and click Send.
  5. An email is sent to you. Verify your email address by opening up the email and clicking Verify Email.
  6. You are now taken to a page that confirms that the extension is installed and working. Done!


What happens after I have installed the browser extension?

You don't have to do anything else; the extension automatically tracks cloud-based software usage in the background.